Global Evangelism


Global Evangelism focuses on reaching the endtime harvest of souls that God is drawing. It seeks to do this by working with leaders around the world to preach national conferences and conduct leadership meetings. The goal being to reap the harvest of souls in that area and equip leaders and local Churches to continue to do so long after the meeting is over.


“Brian Norman is one of the best evangelists I have been blessed to work with on the mission field.  He is focused, works with the congregation until they have victory!  We had 271 filled with the Holy Ghost in North East India.  Brother Norman would not give up.  Thank God for evangelists like Brian Norman”

Bruce Howell

General Director of Foreign Missions


“Bro. Norman preached a one week revival for us in April, 2007.  54 people received the Holy Ghost.  We have never seen so much confirmation.  His personality and work ethic and the way he works the altars is fantastic.  Without a doubt I will have him come again.  The effect of his ministry is still talked about in the church.”

Arthur Naylor

NJ Metro District Superintendent


“The ministry of Brother Brian Norman was greatly appreciated in Madagascar.  He first was a great blessing to the National Evangelists of which there are 25 who are full time.   He taught a seminar and brought ways that evangelists can be more focused and effective.  The national conference in Madagascar is always a highlight of the year and with the ministry of Brother Norman this proved to be one of our finest years.  There were 1,884 who received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.  Refreshing times in the spirit made this a time that will be long remembered.

We would welcome Brother Norman to Africa to minister at any opportunity and believe that he demonstrated a desire to see the Kingdom of the Lord go forward in power. “

Jerry Richardson

Regional Director – AFRICA